Dodge Dart Contest Winners

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moonbeam13's avatar

The designers at Chrysler had some tough decisions to make. The semi-finalists in both of the Digital and Traditional categories presented a wide variety of approaches and techniques all inspired by the new Dodge Dart. The three winners for Digital and Traditional were selected after much deliberation and consideration. They will soon be on display in the lobby of the Dodge-Chrysler headquarters.

by ~iron-maiden-art

When you first look at this mural you're amazed by the artistic use of color to create the scenic picture of the Dart and everywhere the Dart can take you. Then – to surprise you even more, when you look closer you realize that this art is actually made out of hundreds of pieces of colored paper! What amazing creativity, craftsmanship and patience it must have taken to put this piece together.

by *TheRafa

This art is like a poster straight out of a science fiction movie. The placement of the Dart and the use of color to make the car pop out of the chaos that is in this composition make it a very intense visual to look at. Also the longer you look at this piece the more you find in the composition. Very exciting.

by *NazarDud

This is a very abstract yet effective way to show an impression of the Dart. The "puddles" of red and grey paint make you want to stare at it longer and try to decipher what part of the car is what puddle of paint.

by *SgtBoognish

This piece is very interesting because there's no real clear representation of the Dart, however, the look of the color treatment makes the art look like something out of the bauhaus movement. The abstract use of the wheels lets you know that there's something automotive about this piece, however, it's abstract nature keeps you looking at it while trying to figure out what it means.

by *aegia

This intense interpretation of the Dart can be described with many words - Deep, cerebral, and psychedelic to be a few. The fact that there's no literal representation of the Dart makes the viewer really wonder what's in the head (or eye) of the artist. The vivid colors surrounding and flowing out of the eye give the piece a flow like the artwork is organic and alive.

by ~markduvjanco

One can only be amazed by this artwork when first looking at it. It resembles a character straight out of a Transformers movie. The photorealistic mechanical rendering of the Dart along with the soft, human flesh combine to create a very exotic-feeling piece. It almost doesn't look static when you look at it - it feels alive. The woman's eyes in the artwork follow you wherever you move... amazing..

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ToddDuquette's avatar
This was an awesome contest to compete in., thanks!